Aithus Chenjie Mao

Intern at Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
◯ Email: [lastname][middlename][at]

I am currently a fourth-year undergraduate student at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Concurrently, I am serving as an intern at the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory under the guidance of Dr. Qiaosheng (Eric) Zhang.

My research interests encompass a broad range of topics in learning theory, including reinforcement learning, online learning, and deep learning theory.


  1. On the Role of General Function Approximation in Offline Reinforcement Learning
    Chenjie Mao, Qiaosheng Zhang, Zhen Wang, Xuelong Li
    International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024. (Spotlight, Top 5%)

  2. Offline Reinforcement Learning with Additional Covering Distributions
    Chenjie Mao
    Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR)